If you haven't guessed yet, we're diehard (pun intended)
True Blood
> fanatics, and we've been waiting anxiously for the Season Four premiere this Sunday since, well, Season Three. And, while Eric Northman, aka Alexander Skarsgård, may enter our dreams as frequently as Sookie's, we certainly haven't forgotten about another resident TB stud, the insanely built werewolf, Alcide (Joe Manganiello). Of course, HBO has been steadily cashing in on the show's massive hype with a line of themed products that would make Justin Bieber blush. The latest is Hammitt for True Blood, a collection of handbags now available for pre-order at NYC's HBO store inspired by characters including Sookie, Lafayette, Eric, and, yes, Alcide, whose namesake handbag is perhaps the most out-there of the bunch. Featuring a furry flap (imitation, not real were), rivets, and what looks like a leash, the leather bag is also printed with the face of a soulful wolf. If you're fan enough to carry this $485 contraption, well, girl, you got us beat. We hope there's no restraining order in your future.

Hammitt for True Blood Alcide Bag, $485, available for pre-order at HBO Shop, 1100 Avenue of the Americas, (at West 42nd Street); 212-512-7467.