David Beckham, Pharrell Williams, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and a few U.S. presidents all have something in common. They wear suits. And they're on this amazing Tumblr. It's about guys in suits. Did we mention it's amazing? That's all. (Guys In Suits)
Yes, we missed Fashion Week. No, not the Lincoln Center one. Lakmé Fashion Week in Mumbai. Don't fret — here are some the highlights, sans airfare. (BuzzFeed)
If we weren't quite so obsessed, we'd probably be tired of Yayoi Kusama's attempt at world domination via the polka dot. Fortunately, we love it and now we're setting our sights abroad. Guess which major UK store is welcoming the artist. (Hint)
Lots of husbands have photos of their loved ones — a candid dinner shot, a comical tipsy snap, even perhaps a for-his-eyes only photo. Not many have a string as editorially wonderful as these. We can't decide who we envy more: Orlando for having Miranda, or Miranda for having him. (T Magazine)
Now that the anticipated September issues have hit the stands, the world can let out a communal "ahh." We can also officially say "what the?!" about everything that perplexed us in the August issues. (The Cut)

Photo: Via Guys In Suits