How To Reverse All That Sun Damage Without Ruining Your Face

_MG_7802_ErinYamagataPhotographed by Erin Yamagata.
There's been a lot of talk about whether or not it's necessary to alter your skin care with the changing of seasons. Should you incorporate a heavier moisturizer? Ditch the SPF as the weather gradually becomes grayer? Well, definitely no to that last one but, as explained by our friends over at The Huffington Post, some things should change.
Writer Tara Weng explores what products you should be switching out and which you should start incorporating into your daily skin care routine. The biggest takeaway from her findings? How to reverse the damage that was done from laying out in the sun for too long this summer (we know you're guilty of it, no judgement).
As stated in the article: "When the weather changes the skin gets drier and flakier and can even get red. If you want to reverse sun damage you can use products with retinol every night. Best to use ones with hyaluronic acid, so your skin doesn't get dry." What do these products do exactly? "They will improve fine lines, improve texture and even skin color (even out brown discoloration). You can even use niacin, which will also reverse sun damage as well. Always use a broad spectrum sunscreen that blocks UVA/UVB rays SPF 30. Look for zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or mexoryl."

Interested in learning more? Head over to their site for more tips and advice.
(The Huffington Post)

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