2102 is going to be major, and nobody knows it better than renowned astrologer Virginia Bell. With the end of the Mayan calendar approaching and a game-changing election on the horizon, the world is doing all kinds of moving and shaking.
What does all of that mean for us? Well, we’ve got astrologer Virginia’s exclusive insights on the celestial trends that’ll be influencing your love live, career, and more. Check it all out below! And don’t forget to snag your personal reading (now just $60 on Reserve!) to get the scoop on what 2012 will mean specifically for you. Trust us, it’s worth it.
From Virginia Bell:
There’s been so much buzz about 2012! No, it’s not the end of the world as some predict (we don’t get to shirk our evolutionary responsibilities that easily) but it is the end of the world as we know it. Over the last few years, we’ve seen unparalleled changes as old structures and institutions crumble. This year, the cosmic picture heats up as the slow-moving planets take center stage. It’s time to reinvent ourselves and the world. The question is: How will you do that?
The big news is that game-changer Pluto (in serious Capricorn) and that maverick Uranus (in fiery Aries) will make the first of seven historical alignments this year. These planets came together in the mid-sixties, and the whole world experienced a period of change and unrest. Now, the world is about to shift again as these two titans urge us to change on an even deeper level. We will all feel their revolutionary energy but anyone born in early Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn will be playing a leading role.
In February, Neptune, the planet of inspiration and imagination, enters its home sign of dreamy Pisces, ushering in a new wave of spirituality and creativity. Neptune also rules trends so we can expect to see a renaissance in fashion, art, music, and movies with Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpios at the forefront.
Tough-love Saturn has been hanging out in Libra, the sign of marriage, since 2009. And let’s face it, we’ve all been obsessed about relationships; hooking-up (like William and Kate), breaking up (Jennifer and Marc, Demi and Ashton) or doing both at once (Kim and Kris). However, when karmic Saturn enters mysterious Scorpio in October, our focus will turn to building self-worth as well as a strong financial base, rather than romance. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will be working the hardest and also amassing the most.
Jupiter, the planet of long-term good fortune, is currently in Taurus giving bulls (like George Clooney and Jessica Alba) the advantage. In June, Gemini will enjoy Jupiter’s largess for a year. We all have Jupiter somewhere in our charts, and that's the area where we will see good will and grace. The key is just to know how to access it.
2012 will be a dramatic year filled with new challenges as well as exciting opportunities. Find out how to harness the planetary energy so you can turn up the magic and manifest your dreams.
Want to get personal? Score a 30-minute phone reading with Virginia Bell for just $60––now on R29 Reserve––and find out how to make 2012 your best year yet.