If you recognize the names Binki Shapiro and Adam Green, it's probably from their past projects. Shapiro was part of the tropicalia-laced Little Joy along with Rodrigo Amarante and the Strokes' Fabrizio Moretti, while Green was half of the wryly self-reflexive The Moldy Peaches with Kimya Dawson. While their sounds varied, both bands were permeated with a sense of nostalgia and naiveté that makes its way to their current collaboration.
The newly released "Collage" is a B-side from their upcoming self-titled LP, and it's a good example of what to expect from the rest of the record. Less sardonic than Green sometimes comes across, and without the summer-sun brightness of Little Joy, the collaboration mixes Nancy Sinatra-indebted folk with the noise of shoegaze. It's a combination that works, with the friendship of Shapiro and Green taking the spotlight. You can tell how much they like playing together, and you can't help but want to be a part of it, too.
Binki Shapiro & Adam Green— Binki Shapiro & Adam Green
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