How Instagram Can Help You Find The Hairstylist Of Your Dreams

Finding a soulmate to style your hair can be as painstaking as finding a soulmate for life. We can Yelp salons for ratings, but from there, it’s a crapshoot, as random chance and scheduling dictate which stylist actually does the deed. We can ask friends and fly girls on the street who they see, but unless their hair is textured like ours, the outcome may not be quite what we were going for. Which leaves us with a lot of hunting, good-faith sampling of hair services, and money wasted, followed by bouts of disappointment, identity crises, and longing. Hair — it’s a complicated thing.
But thanks to Instagram, finding our dream hairstylist is getting exponentially easier. By searching out — and yes, even Instastalking — stylists in your area, you can diminish the disappointment that comes from random trial and error. Of course, like with any online soulmate searching, there’s an art to stacking the odds in your favor. One must beware of false representation (filter-tinged hair color) and become savvy at looking for not only what you like, but what will work best for you.
To learn how to find your ideal stylist via Instagram, we talked to stylists and colorists at Los Angeles’ Sally Hershberger salon and Rita Hazan salon in New York. Read on for their expert tips.


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