Do you know Trouble? No, not the situation you find yourself in at 3 a.m. on a Saturday. We're talking about the Maltese. He was the unlikely inheritor of an impossible fortune, pocketing — or pawing — over $12 million when his owner, New York real estate mogul Leona Helmsley, left her entire bounty to the pooch. Now, another upper-East side benefactor, Alan Meltzer, made a splash this weekend when he divvied up his $10 million in riches, this time to some more unlikely humans. The former music mogul passed away and left $1 million to his driver and another $500,000 to his doorman. All this good will is, of course, much to his ex's chagrin, who says she "couldn't give a sh*t," (yeah right). No word yet on what the goldfish stands to receive. (NY Post)

Photo of Meltzer and Obama via NY Post