Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
It’s a full-steam-ahead action week with the planetary stage set for new beginnings and the sun shifting from reserved Capricorn to social Aquarius. On Monday, big-hearted Jupiter’s meetup with intense Pluto makes powerful inspiration available to those willing to see the bigger, more complicated picture. Broadening your mind can make it easier to make other, more tangible changes. If there’s anything you did not like in your or others’ behavior last week, draw on this energy to switch over to a more positive pattern.
Tuesday’s new moon cleans the slate for the month to come, encouraging fresh goals and new intentions. Any activity you do during a new moon is easier to keep up over the next four weeks. If you’re trying to eat healthier, not take work home, or do more volunteer shifts, put it on your schedule for Tuesday evening. It’s also a great time for launching those New Year’s resolutions — or kicking them up a notch.
On Friday, we finally crawl out from under that heavy Capricorn blanket and celebrate the first Aquarian birthdays. Aquarius is the sign of friendship, weirdness, and humanitarian politics. Let loose Aquarius-style over the weekend by chillaxing with your chosen family, those people who make you feel uniquely you. And if you and your peeps want to change the world, set your sights high and get plotting!

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