The Internet Has Some Black Friday Suggestions For McDonald’s After This Snafu

Photo: Courtesy of McDonalds.
Corporate social media is a thankless job, and if you fail in any way, you have millions of people who see your mistake in real time. So, let's all silently send out our deepest condolences to whoever runs McDonald's Twitter account. On Black Friday, a tweet popped up from their official Twitter account that read, simply, "Black Friday **** Need copy and link****" Oof.
It's obvious that their social media team had intended for copy to go into the "need copy and link" space, but they failed to update their scheduled tweet. Which is totally understandable: Thanksgiving is a busy dinner night, full of catching up with cousins and watching some drunk family member make a fool of themselves.
McDonald's quickly followed up their gaffe with a joke about not having had enough caffeine. "When you tweet before your first cup of McCafé… Nothing comes before coffee," they wrote. Nice save there, Mickey Dee's. It's tempting to poke fun at oneself, but that won't stop the tide of the internet from zeroing in on your spectacular mistake.
We're just impressed that McDonald's left the tweet up for the world to see. And we're hoping that the snafu didn't result in someone getting sacked.
Twitter, naturally, had a field day with McDonald's social media fail. Users offered to write their copy for them, expressed their sympathies to the social media staffer who probably lost their job, and wished the fast food giant a Happy Thanksgiving.
Wendy's for their part, sent McDonald's some serious shade even darker than the solar eclipse. Ouch. We're eyeball emojis over here. McDonalds' legendarily forever-broken soft serve machines have just been put on blast.
A truth bomb has been dropped.
Activist shade right here.
At least someone sympathizes.
Aw, give 'em a break.
Could be true.
Social media managers out there: check those scheduled tweets.

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