Your August Horoscope, Revealed

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
Change is in the air — and it's coming fast and furious! That's because August is eclipse season, a transformational time that delivers an extra shot of moonbeam magic. First up is the lunar (full moon) eclipse in Aquarius on the 7th, which throws the spotlight on community and technology. You could find your soul squad, but in the process, leave a group that you're no longer jiving with. How secure are your devices and your data? Take extra precautions, like changing to a strong password and switching your server to a VPN. Another reason for this? Mercury falls into a signal-scrambling retrograde from August 12 to September 5, which can cause information to get into the wrong hands if you're not careful. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but given that Aquarius rules politics, this eclipse could expose even more evidence related to those Russia investigations.
The solar (new moon) eclipse, on August 21, will be major! Not only does it fall in passionate, romantic, leadership-driven Leo, but it's the first visible solar eclipse in North America since July 1991, too. Go west, stargazers — if you can afford the crazy-expensive campsite fee — and watch that "little black dot on the sun" from Wyoming or Oregon. Astrologically, this eclipse is the perfect time to promote your talents, find true love, or debut an over-the-top style that slays. Trending this fall: eclipse goggles? Ya never do know.

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