Honey Boo Boo Thinks Mama June Is Jealous Of Her Boyfriend

Photo: Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock.
Love is a hot topic in the Thompson household. Mama June is looking for it, while Honey Boo Boo has a crush of her own. In an interview with E! News, the mother-daughter duo chatted about what's new in their lives since Mama June's surgery, but when it came to Alana's boyfriend, Justin, the 11-year-old was tight-lipped.
"What do you mean, what's the deal?" she asked the interviewer, getting immediately red. Mama June cracked up beside her. She soon changed her tune after Honey Boo Boo accused her of being jealous.
"Probably, because her 11-year-old daughter has a boyfriend but she doesn't," she said.
"No, I'm not," Mama June replied, rolling her eyes.
When asked what she liked about her boyfriend, Honey Boo Boo got bashful again.
"You're going in deep," she said, avoiding the question. When she finally answered she revealed that it was his personality that made her first decide to start spending time with the friend.
That was all she was willing to share, but we're happy Alana is having fun, since much of the attention has been on her mother for the past year. Mama June stars in From Not To Hot, documenting her weight loss journey as she undergoes surgery.
"The transformation has been probably one of the hardest things that I’ve went through in my whole entire life," she said in an interview with Refinery29. "But actually it’s well, well worth it."
However, she was worried about the affect it would have on her kids.
"It was tough on everyone having to watch me go through that," she said. "Especially on Pumpkin and Alana. And it was hard for me to actually see them and not — and [have] me kind of lose control for a couple times. It’s hard, ‘cause I’m a control freak. And when you go in for surgery, you don’t have control over their emotions or your emotions or anything. You kind of just have to give it to them and say, ‘Hey, hopefully everything works out fine.’"
Luckily, this clip shows everyone is adjusting back to normal life one day at a time. Watch the interview below!

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