Battling White Walkers in Westeros may seem tough, but for Rose Leslie, it was easier to face epic fights at the Wall than to deal with the cutthroat world of Chicago law. In an interview promoting her new show, The Good Fight, a spin-off of The Good Wife, Leslie says that she managed to dodge any injury during her time as Ygritte on Game of Thrones — but hurt herself when she was filming a show set in corporate America.
While filming the new CBS series, Leslie explains that she broke her toe. With an IMDb page chock-full of badass roles (Luther, Downton Abbey, and The Last Witch Hunter), Leslie's used to kicking ass, but it seems that time spent at Downton didn't build her balance.
"This was purely down to me. This was my kind of like ignorance in thinking that I could turn and pivot on a little dime," she told E!. "Of course, when I attempted it on camera, I then completely whacked it into a table."
With Game of Thrones stunt training, battle choreography, and all those scenes with Kit Harington, Leslie probably should have been prepared for some power plays, but that's simply not the case. After all, the world of law isn't the same as the struggle in Westeros. Instead of battling with swords and arrows, Leslie's character, Maia, is fighting with words. Even with a broken toe, Leslie is in good spirits and she realizes the irony of surviving GoT injury-free, only to earn a battle scar from her new show.
"At least then I was on a mountaintop and would then have an excuse of falling flat on my face, but no, I didn't actually have any injuries shooting [Game of Thrones] — luckily," she added.
You can check out Leslie in action when The Good Fight premieres February 19.