What You Need To Know About Next Week's Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse

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This article was originally published on August 17, 2016. We're bringing it to your attention in light of the August full moon this year.
Brace yourself for some major celestial multitasking next Monday. First, at 2:11 p.m. EST, the full Corn Moon will reach its crest. Then, later that day, there will be a partial lunar eclipse that, unfortunately for you U.S.-based stargazers out there, won't be visible. While you'll be able to see only one of these lunar events, you'll be sure to feel the effects of both.
Every month's full moon is cause for celebration and reflection, though what you celebrate and reflect upon may vary from month to month. This month, the Corn Moon is all about laying the groundwork for things to come. In the same way that corn must be planted and cultivated in order to grow, you must set your intentions and see them through before you can reap the benefits of your work.
It might not be the most fun ritual imaginable, but now's the perfect time to think about the tasks and decisions you've been putting off. Anything that you might call a sacrifice now will pay off later in the year. This month could see you tackling an unpleasant assignment at work or addressing a relationship that's recently become difficult. Think of it as a chance for some late-summer cleansing.
As we said before, this month's eclipse won't be much to look at, but these intention-setting rituals will get a boost from its activity all the same. It's believed that lunar eclipses of any kind (partial or total) are an opportunity for greater spiritual understanding. In fact, partial eclipses are particularly helpful times to reflect quietly.
So, don't be surprised if you find it easier to find solutions to the problems you've been avoiding when you consider them on Monday. The moon's symbolic associations and its physical activity are working in tandem to prepare you for the rest of the year. There will always be some hardship hanging over your head, but taking advantage of the Corn Moon and the eclipse's reflective properties can help you move through them with grace.
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