Sophie Turner Says Sansa Stark Is “Gunning For Revenge”

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Sophie Turner is far from the only breakout star from Game of Thrones, but she is perhaps the one who commands the most sympathy. Unlike the other cast members, she hasn’t been wrapped up in murder or all-out war. Instead, she’s suffered alongside us. Some of the show’s uses of Turner have come under fire for the way that they use her as a pawn for male characters' emotional development, and rightly so. But that might all be about to change. She’s about to star in X-Men: Apocalypse and, of course, the new season of Game of Thrones. A new profile in The EDIT sheds some light on Turner’s entrance into acting, how Sansa will grow, and how a trainer changed her life. Turner says she got into acting because her parents needed a place for her and her brothers to go while they were at work. “I was so nervous that I would shake and nearly pee myself before I went on stage,” Turner tells The EDIT. “The reason I kept on was that it was an excuse to go somewhere on a Saturday and swear and kiss boys. You get so much freedom from acting – no boundaries, no judgement.” Though the new season of Thrones has been guarded as jealously as the Iron Throne itself, she can divulge that her character will gain some serious agency in the upcoming episodes. “Until now, it’s just been about her survival and seeing her family again, but last season broke her, so I think she is gunning for revenge now, too,” Turner tells The EDIT. Turner also has some thoughts on her body image. It’s important to remember that she’s been in the public eye since age 13. And she shared how her perception of her own body changed. “Before I got [the trainer for my upcoming role in X-Men: Apocalypse], I went through a bit of a dark place, I was not happy with myself,” Turner tells The EDIT. “I think for me, and for every young girl out there, body image is such a big thing, especially if you are in the public eye. People comment on [your appearance] and... Eugh. So when I was forced to get into shape and eat healthily, my skin cleared up and I felt energetic all the time. It totally changed me.” And, finally, because we have to include this: “Every single person I speak to asks, ‘Is Jon Snow dead?’ Yeah, of course he is!” One place Snow lives on is in this video of Turner performing Adele as our favorite almost-Stark. Her take on Snow is enough to warm even the coldest hearts in the North. Truly, we knew nothing about her ability to impersonate her castmates.

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