You’re One Step Closer To Living The Gilmore Girls Life

Photo: Scott Garfield/ Contributor
There are plenty of ways to make your ordinary reality match the dream life that is Rory and Lorelai's Stars Hollow existence. You could keep a recording of Carole King and Louise Goffin's "lala la lala"s on you at all times and play it at particularly poignant moments in your day. You could develop a crush on a grumpy yet ultimately lovable local business owner. You could drink unhealthy amounts of coffee day and night. Or you could simply purchase a Gilmore Girls-inspired scented candle. Yes, your apartment can smell like a quaint Connecticut town, regardless of how many lovably wacky characters are actually living there with you.

Pick Me Cups
, an Etsy store based in Orlando, FL, is selling scented candles inspired by the cult show's most popular characters, locations, and moments. There's Mrs. Kim's Antiques, which smells like cedarwood and amber, and Team Jess, which has the scent of disappointment — er, warm citrus and mint. The candles go for $15. Grab yours before the reboot premieres on Netflix and prepare to to be completely immersed in the Gilmore Girls experience.

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