After pleading guilty to hacking and committing identity theft earlier this year, Hunter "King of Revenge Porn" Moore has been sentenced to two years in prison. Moore is most notorious for popularizing the circulation of revenge porn (a.k.a. embarrassing, explicit photos generally posted by victims' exes or other bitter acquaintances) online via the since-deactivated He allowed submitters to post images with their victims' faces and full names. Naturally, Moore himself followed the same shining standards in posting his own content.
While Moore's sentence sends a strong message to anyone considering resurrecting (or any other website that tells personal privacy to take a walk), Moore is not actually being punished for perpetuating rampant women-hating; he's going to prison only because the way he obtained the content for his revenge porn was unlawful.
In addition to the two years he'll spend in prison, Moore will have to pay a fine of $2,000 as well as $145.70 (yep) in restitution. At least we now know the price of launching an attack on the privacy, safety, and emotional well-being of countless people?
So far, 26 states have passed laws against revenge porn in some fashion. As the lines around this very specific, very harmful form of harassment become more defined, we hope to see the presence and enforcement of these laws amplified.