Adorable Baby Owl Stops Colorado Sheriffs (And The Internet)

Why did the adorable baby owl cross the road? To hang out with some sheriff's deputies and get Internet famous, of course. On Friday, some Boulder County, Co., sheriff's deputies encountered what looks like a Furby (remember them?) come to life in Nederland, outside of Boulder. And a Twitter love fest commenced.
The pint-sized puff ball is a Northern saw-whet owl. These naturally diminutive birds are common in forests around the northern United States, though they're far more commonly heard than seen in the wild. But apparently, they're pretty chatty out of the trees as well. In this quick video, the bird chirp-clicks back and forth with a deputy.
Now, not to get too carried away, but we've got the perfect follow-up hashtag to #DeputiesLoveBabyOwls: #BabyOwlForSheriff. Criminals wouldn't know what to do with so much cuteness and would probably surrender on sight of that baby owl sporting a tiny sheriff's badge and cowboy hat. Just saying. You know it would be a hoot.

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