Kathy Griffin has some great plans to combat the ideas spewed by Michael Eisner, the former Disney CEO who recently made a series of comments about how difficult it is to find "beautiful, funny" women. In The Hollywood Reporter Griffin detailed how she would handle Eisner and other men promoting this insidious culture: Give them a first-hand example of how they treat women.
"Influencers and decisionmakers who share the views that Eisner was stupid enough to say out loud actually decide whether or not I work, my career and sometimes my personal fate," Griffin told THR. "People who share his views, and all the other men who think the things about women that he is expressing verbally, should simply be subjected to a panel of women — women of my choosing — who decide his career fate and legacy based on his physical appearance." The panel's "first assignment," she says, "will be to make him actually look at himself in the mirror. Naked."
Eisner initially made these statements in a conversation with Goldie Hawn at the Aspen Ideas Festival Thursday, The Atlantic reported. He said: "From my position, the hardest artist to find is a beautiful, funny woman. By far. They usually — boy am I going to get in trouble, I know this goes online — but usually, unbelievably beautiful women, you being an exception, are not funny." He added: "In the history of the motion-picture business, the number of beautiful, really beautiful women — a Lucille Ball — that are funny, is impossible to find." On Monday Eisner backtracked on his comments to THR, arguing that he said "such a combination is hard to come by in Hollywood."
Griffin is not the only woman to rightfully lambaste Eisner and the platform he is given. On Twitter, producer Megan Ellison responded to THR's initial report on the comments, writing: "Stop it @THR stop. It's too much. I can't take it. It's just so painfully cliché. People wonder what's wrong with Hollywood. Stop wondering." Mindy Kaling added, "@meganeellison @THR this was said at an "ideas festival". Pitiful." Elizabeth Banks also tweeted: "Stop spreading this bullshit." Well said, all.