James Corden's stint as host of The Late Late Show on CBS is
getting off to a fine start. First, he sort of broke the news that Mila Kunis
and Ashton Kutcher are really married. Then, with the help of his other big
guest Tom Hanks, he showed us that Jimmy Fallon isn't the only game in town for
silly stunts. The British comedian teamed up with Hanks to recreate scenes from
every single one of the Oscar winner's movies in just eight minutes.
The skit gets funnier as it goes along, mostly because of
how cleverly they knit it all together, not in chronological order, but in
order of how to make the most ridiculous transitions. Cordon's gun from Saving
Private Ryan becomes his pirate weapon for Captain Phillips. His weeping League
of Their Own player becomes a crying Meg Ryan from You've Got Mail. And, yes,
Tom Hanks delivers each of his iconic lines as if these films just came out
yesterday. (Excuse us while we go try to stream Splash.)
Corden, who's a much bigger star in the U.K., received some
promising ratings for his first night, according to Deadline, beating Seth Meyers'
Late Night and up 27% from the same night last year.