Watch Ellen & Michelle Obama Get Down To “Uptown Funk”

Michelle Obama did some major hip-thrusting for today's Ellen
DeGeneres Show
— all in the name of getting people in shape, of course. And, for
some reason, it makes us feel more optimistic about our country knowing that
the First Lady can get down with that "Uptown Funk." (At least this
is major progress from that ridiculous Forrest Gump spoof starring Hillary
Clinton that's making the rounds.)

Beginning with some grade A banter, Obama explained to Ellen
that this year's White House Easter Egg Roll was being taken over by her Let's
Move campaign, complete with a choreographed dance performed by her and the So
You Think You Can Dance
all-stars. Turns out, she had challenged fellow amateur
booty-shaker Ellen to learn the steps, too.

"I'm very busy, very, very busy and I'm not really good
at choreography. I'm more of a free style," DeGeneres hedged, not too
convincingly. To no one's surprise, the pair performed the dance to Bruno
Mars' "Uptown Funk" perfectly, with the help of those SYTYCD alums
all around them.

We're six years into the Obama administration, and it's
still amazing sometimes to see how far both the POTUS and FLOTUS have come in
using pop culture to make the White House seem like they're of the people. Can
you even imagine Laura Bush dancing? Or W reading mean tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live?
Mind you, they're not doing these things instead of their official
responsibilities. Just taking a minute to remind us they're in touch.

By the way, that other first lady we love, Scandal's Mellie
Grant (a.k.a. Bellamy Young), was also in the studio, just to blow our minds.      


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