“Shit Girls Say” Is Back & Better Than Ever

Photo: Courtesy of Aussie.
Remember those "Shit Girls Say" videos that were all the rage a couple of years ago? Well, if you've been going through comedic withdrawal, then you're in luck, because they're baaack. Canadian writers Kyle Humphrey and Graydon Sheppard teamed up with hair-care brand Aussie to take on the complaints so many of us have about our manes. According to Adweek, Aussie conducted a survey, appropriately titled #hairprobs, and discovered some fascinating facts: Apparently, 40% of women under 40 cried at least once over their hair in the past six months, women spend an average of 20 minutes per day on their hair (that's a full workweek each year), and 7% of women admit to avoiding getting intimate to preserve their hairstyle. The video addresses these somewhat jarring, but mostly relatable stats. While it's technically an ad for Aussie, it still made us chuckle, seeing as it touches on woes we actually deal with. Yelling at someone for splashing in the pool and getting our hair wet? Yep. Complaining that the wind is messing up your freshly blowdried tresses? Indeed. Agonizing in front of the mirror, asking everyone around for their opinions? Uh-huh. It's not only hilarious, it's self-deprecating — and that's pretty refreshing coming from an advertisement.  The video ends with Aussie urging women to #DitchTheDrama. As Sheppard says in the beginning, "I wish I could just, like, get out of bed and have my hair be done." We wish it, too, Gray. If only.

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