Charlize Theron Demands Equal Pay After Sony Hack

Photo: REX USA/Jonathan Hordle/Rex.
It looks like some good may come from the Sony hack after all.
Among many other unsavory things, the leaked emails revealed that American Hustle stars Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams were paid significantly less than their male costars. Charlize Theron is now using the subsequent outrage to leverage herself a bigger paycheck for the upcoming sequel to Snow White and the Huntsman. Get it, girl.
Page Six reports that the Oscar-winning actress successfully negotiated a deal to earn the same salary as costar Chris Hemsworth. She will now earn more than $10 million to play Ravenna in the 2016 release of The Huntsman, which is being produced by Universal Pictures.
"Charlize insisted that she get paid the same money as Chris," a source told the column. "She has a great track record, so she got the same deal.”
Another insider added that the American Hustle fallout helped boost Theron's argument. "One knock-on effect from the Sony hacking scandal is that there will be more sensitivity about equal pay for actresses and hiring practices at movie studios," the source said.
Lady's got a wedding to pay for. Why should she settle for less?

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