Tylenol’s New Ad Is Here To Make You Cry

Forgive the sentimental tone of this post, but Tylenol's latest ad has left me in a humiliating puddle of office tears. Following in the grand tradition of emotionally manipulative commercials, the two-minute video reimagines Norman Rockwell's classic painting, "Freedom From Want," with a real-life LGBTQ family. Seated at the Beser-Carr-Schneider-Musich table are two partnered moms, one ex-husband, his new wife, and all their various children.
"We don't talk about halves or steps," says dad. "We talk about family, siblings and parents and the willingness to remain included." The parents share highlights of their holiday traditions, including prayers over the challah and kids running around on sugar high. The scene is sweet and ordinary — just as it's intended. Yes, it's an ad here to sell you Tylenol, but we'll high-five any brand that takes a stand for normalizing LGBTQ people in mainstream media.
Read up on the family here, then check out the video above. Merry weeping!

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