Not everything about The Toronto International Film Festival is all glitz and glamour. And, not every person behind the cameras flashing before the pretty faces are well-intentioned. For every street style photographer and blogger there's a paparazzi member — sometimes two — with the gall to taunt the attendees.
Earlier on Friday, September 5, Cara Delevingne fell victim to the rancorous paparazzi machine. Not many details are known outside of Delevingne's seven-tweet long account.
"I am currently hiding in a public bathroom because of guess who...," she tweeted around 4:30 p.m. "If you guessed paparazzi you were right!!" she continued. "Thanks for making me feel like a caged animal once again. You won!" Apparently, a member of the paparazzi started to "stroke his ass" at the model.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time Delevingne has publicly shamed the paparazzi. Back in April 2014, the model likened them to "assassins with [their] telescope lenses, hiding in bushes or whatever they can find." Around 5 p.m., the model shared that she was able to leave the public restroom with the help of two kindly festival volunteers.
This, on top of the recent celebrity nudes hack, does not kick September off on a high note in terms of privacy and harassment. It has, however, shed light on the importance of public restrooms.