Most of us, though some might not care to admit it, have a wake-up routine that has nothing to do with yoga or a morning stroll. Instead, it revolves around our phones and computers. Before even getting out of bed, we feel the need to "make the rounds." It's only after checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. that we feel ready to join the rest of the world.
While it's great to stay informed (and we're obviously fans of the Internet), this compulsion to click is really taking a toll on our ability to be alone with ourselves. Isn't it possible to just be anymore?
Whether in a waiting room or on our way home, we hop online or scroll through Instagram when we have nothing better to do. We feel the need to distract ourselves from our own thoughts, which just leaves us feeling stressed and scattered. Turning to outlets like our phones during breaks in activity prevents us from really focusing on what's happening.
Now, this is not to say that you should never tweet again. Part of breaking an addiction to constant stimulation is to go slow. Try to take one minute when you wake up each day to be as still as possible. That means no phone, no laptop, nothing — just you and your thoughts. Even if that still sounds scary, just think about your breath. Or, feel free to turn your thoughts toward whether or not your phone is charged.
Click through to learn more about being alone — and being happy about it. Shape.