In this month's Think Like A Man Too, weddings are on everybody's mind. The whole gang from the original comedy is back together, this time for the Vegas nuptials of Michael and Candace (played by Terrence Jenkins and Regina Hall). But, the plot rings true in real life for Gabrielle Union. She is, after all, set to marry NBA star Dwyane Wade in the not-too-distant future. Although the actress is keeping many details of the big day a secret, she did divulge a few funny anecdotes during a recent Think Like A Man Too press conference — including the hilarious role reversal she's experiencing with her groom-to-be.
"Even though he's in the NBA finals, he's still got time to be groomzilla," she joked about Wade. "As much as people like to think he's worried about [Spurs player] Tony Parker, he's worried about centerpieces and what kind of wine we're having. So, he's more the one who's really driving the bus."
For her part, Union is choosing to focus on what happens after the party: the marriage. She stressed the most important thing for her is to never lose the fun in their relationship. "A lot of times, we become grown-ups and we feel like we have to act 'grown,' and that part of acting 'grown' is to somehow eliminate fun. We should always keep a little bit of fun and immaturity as a part of our life, and certainly as part of our sex life."
There's at least one night when a bride can truly embrace her fun and immature side, and that's the bachelorette party. Union kept mum on plans for the bash, but she and her Think Like A Man Too costars did admit to getting some good practice in during their time filming in Vegas. One of the flick's funniest scenes involves a special surprise the night before the big day: an Idris Elba blow-up doll. Naturally, talk at the press conference turned to the topic of fantasy bachelorette-party guests, and Union took the opportunity to show off a bit of that fun side.
"This is a tricky topic since I'm about to get married — I mean, the correct answer is 'Dwyane!' she laughed. "But, really, my fantasy guy for so long was Maxwell Caulfield in Grease 2!" The actress then launched into a rendition of "Cool Rider." Something tells us she's doesn't have to worry about losing the fun after the wedding day.