We're not ones to live our lives (or form our beauty routines) on the basis of fear. But, we have to admit a recent Huffington Post article on the damaging effects of flat irons had us shaking in our boots. Why? Though it's not breaking news that excessive heat styling isn't great for our hair, the HuffPost dug deep to get the dirt on the science behind it all. And, now we're wondering why our strands don't scream out in pain each time we straighten 'em.
Turns out our hair can burn just like our skin — we're just not able to feel it. Because, like skin, the secret to hair health is all about moisture. Excessive heat styling sucks the natural nourishment from the hair shaft, damaging both the inner and outer layers of locks, say the derms consulted by the author. This lack of moisture manifests itself in dryness, dullness, brittleness, and even breakage. And, because hair is technically "dead" the moment it emerges from your scalp, there's nothing you can do about repairing it once the damage is done.
Yet, like all things in life, the key here is moderation. The experts quoted by the HuffPo agree — it's all about proper prep work in the form of protectant products and professional-quality heat tools. We're glad to hear it because, with the plethora of styling options our trusty flat iron has to offer, there's no way we could swear it off altogether. (The Huffington Post)
GHD Style Heat Protect Spray, $22, available at Sephora.
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