Here's one thing we all know about Chelsea Handler: Girl does not suffer fools. Unfortunately for Piers Morgan, he didn't get the memo, which led to one of the most awkward showdowns in talk-show history. We're pretty sure this stuff never happened with Larry King.
Clearly finding the CNN host's tone to be condescending, Handler snapped and called the interview "nonsense," then laid into Morgan for his interviewing skills. "You can't even pay attention for 60 seconds. You're a terrible interviewer."
When Morgan shot back that perhaps she didn't hold his interest, the E! host schooled him on talk-show etiquette. "This is your show," she bristled. "You have to pay attention to the guests that you invited on your show. It doesn't matter how interesting I am. You signed up for this job."
Handler's parting shot? "Maybe that's why your job is coming to an end," referring to the show's upcoming cancellation. Snap.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall during the commercial breaks. Let this be a lesson to all television hosts: If Chelsea Handler is booked, you'd best bring your A-game. (Jezebel)