Whether you are in college, just celebrated your 10-year reunion, or are prepping to send off your first born, the stress of surviving those eight (or more) semesters is enough to make anyone's heart race. Okay, pound. Balancing the pressure of grades, money, and your newfound social life is not exactly a walk in the quad. But, it also doesn't have to feel like the morning after your first kegger.
Thankfully, Teen Vogue has outlined just a few ways to deal with undergrad life. The magazine touches on how to deal with professors who make you cry and financial aid that, well, makes you sob. For instance, did you know you could apply for additional support even after accepting a financial package? And — (not so) shocker — sometimes roommates are a nightmare. But, there are smart ways of taking matters into your own hands when it comes to creating a happy living situation. Read on for more ways to face some of the most common college crises with a bit of upperclassmen finesse. (Teen Vogue)