"Celebrities" and "trustworthy" aren't normally two words that go together. It's not that all A-listers are liars — far from it — but by now we know more than to believe most of the rumors or hype that surrounds them. After all, when you're constantly in the spotlight, you learn to be very secretive about things.
In that vein, Forbes decided to poll the public to find out which famous folks Americans believe the most. We took a gander at the final list, and the first thing we noticed was one glaring omission: America's BFF Jennifer Lawrence. The actress didn't even make the top ten; she was ousted by the likes of Morgan Freeman, Michael J. Fox, Betty White, Carol Burnett, and, in the top spot, Tom Hanks. Some surprise additions to the list included Bill Cosby and Ron Howard — Cosby because of his many public controversies, and Howard because, well, that's just random.
Perhaps the most telling detail of the study is that even the celebrities considered the most trustworthy still had near-abysmal trustworthy ratings. Mr. Hanks, the shining beacon of family devotion, for example, had a trustworthiness rating of only 25%. If that doesn't speak volumes, we don't know what does. (Forbes)