Jennifer Lawrence Even Makes Rob Ford Sound Good

So, it's settled then. Jennifer Lawrence should play Rob Ford, Toronto's crack-smoking mayor, in the movie adaption of his life. Or, better yet, let's just give her his job. On Wednesday night, Lawrence got our vote thanks to a skit that aired on Late Night With David Letterman. In a pre-recorded, Ken Burns-style sketch entitled, "The Statement," Lawrence — along with Jonah Hill, Vince Vaughn, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, and Martha Stewart — recited a spliced version of Ford's now infamous sorta-mea-culpa. "Yes, I have smoked crack-cocaine," quotes J Lawr in character. Then a bunch of other famous people chime in with the rest of the speech. But, nobody has the gravitas — or the pixie cut — of Dame Jennifer Lawrence. (Seriously, we need to Dame her already.)
Here's a tip for politicians with impulse control problems: If you're forced to admit to your weird, illegal antics in a public forum — and you probably will be — consider hiring Lawrence to read your speech of shame. Just watch as she recites the go-to line of every political whoops script: "All I can say is I've made mistakes." It almost makes you feel for the mayor who admitted to "probably" smoking crack in one his "drunken stupors." Almost.

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