We don't know what is going on in this video, other than the fact that Tom Hiddleston is dancing. And, it's adorable. That's all there is to know, really. It's sort of like you're existing in this pure vortex of Platonic knowledge and the only fact (in addition to your existence) is the dancing form of beautiful Hiddles. Don't get too excited, though — that halcyon dream lasts for mere seconds. Then, the video ends and you are plunged back into a cold reality where you are not dating Tom Hiddleston and, frankly, he has no idea who you are, so please stop following him because it's just getting weird.
For the record, this all went down on the British talk show, Chatty Man. But, it's not the first time the Thor actor has worked a stage — he impressed us with his dance moves just a few weeks back in Korea. Incidentally, why don't American shows have amazing names like Chatty Man?