Diane Kruger & Josh Jackson’s First Date Is Straight Out Of A Rom-Com

Have we told you about our obsession with Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson? R29 HQ goes gaga over this adorable couple on the regular. Not only are they one of the most fashionable duos in Hollywood, but they're in a long-term romance that keeps our faith in love going strong. And, as it turns out, their perfection doesn't stop there. Diane recently stopped by Conan O'Brien and told the tale of their hilarious first date. File it under, "you can't make this stuff up."
It all started when Josh basically conned Diane into going to dinner with him. Then, to make matters worse, she had a major allergic reaction to the flowers at the restaurant. He was so nervous and embarrassed about the whole thing that he proceeded to talk about himself for 90 minutes straight. The whole night ended with Josh driving Diane back to her hotel in his smelly car, during which Diane admits she contemplated giving him a slap him for good measure. It all sounds like the worst date in history, but something must have clicked because they've been together for seven years. Watch her tell the story in amazing detail below. (Crushable)

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