Massive spoiler alert warning — and not just for people who are still catching up on this season of True Blood, but for those who want to remain pure and naive in the Bon Temps goings-on for next season. The show appears to be renewed, and our favorite campy vamps will be back, and showrunner Brian Buckner has spilled some details about what we will see.
But, first, let's address what we already saw, which was, namely, Alexander Skarsgard's full frontal. (Which proves that HBO writers have definitely been reading Refinery29 and have taken our nudity gender inequality criticisms to heart.) While Warlowe, Bill, Alcide, Sam, and Jason are all brilliantly good-looking, not one character is as burningly sexy as Eric Northman — and burningly sexy is exactly how we see him end the season. Reclining peacefully and in the buff on a mountaintop in Sweden, Eric loses his daywalking ability and bursts into flames, getting up and showing the audience the full package before he is engulfed by fire. (Related: Girls must be sexy-nude, guys are practical-nude. Got it, thanks HBO.) Which leads us to believe that Eric Northman is dead.
However, Buckner has allayed fans' fears; killing off one of the most beloved characters isn't quite what the series had in mind. He tells TV Line, "I can tell you that Alexander Skarsgard is going to be a part of the next season of True Blood. He will be a series regular...I’m not going to take Alex Skarsgard out of people’s living rooms." Whew. Of course, he won't be the same Eric Northman, and retrieving him will be an adventure, but at least we know that our very favorite vampire will be seen again.
Oh, and another juicy tidbit? Alcide and Sookie sex? You are going to be seeing a lot of it. Praise be. (TV Line)