Grab Some Tissues: Video Shows Tornado Survivor Finding Lost Pup On Air

Citizens are still reeling from the tragic, massive tornados that swept through Oklahoma yesterday, and the ramifications are still being processed. The devastation, it appears, is difficult even to convey. Yet, amidst the destruction, Gawker posted a video this morning that both sums up the tragedy, but also offers a genuine comfort.
Just check out the video, because it is one of the most emotional, touching, and evocative moments we have experienced in a great long while. The survivor's candid assessment of the scene ("I know exactly what happened, dear. Exactly.") and the silent embrace at the end...well, half of our office was just in tears. Many feelings. Many, many feelings.
For those interested in helping Oklahoma, NBC has a great roundup of ways in which you can give both time and money. (Gawker)

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