In these catfish-y times, you can't be too careful. And when it comes to STDs, we're all about removing the stigma and creating a conversation. It's real talk that can save lives, not to mention bring a couple closer together by overcoming a major hump (no pun intended) in the strangers-to-lovers process. So, we can understand the motivation behind the website We have to wonder if it will catch on, but we get the idea.
The free service allows you to text your STD records to anyone (with your express permission, of course). The site, which encourages you to "spread the love, nothing else," obviously aims to make the conversation a whole lot easier in the name of openness and patient empowerment (all very good things). In theory, we dig it, but in practice? We're not sure if this is the kind of thing that should be left up to text-speak, and not just because of the potential privacy issues that always arise when cell phones get involved. The problem with talking about sexually transmitted diseases today is that many people see it as a dirty thing, a sign of promiscuity, bad hygiene, even immorality. Texting your results aren't necessarily going to make that stigma go away, nor will it open this conversation for any couple.
For a one night stand, though, it's a whole lot better than nothing. And there's no reason two adults can't have that conversation — which often leads to learning a lot more about each other than just their STD stats — while still using this convenient app. Once again, the onus falls on the people in charge. Not everyone has a copy of their last test handy, so this can make getting to the fun part all the easier. We're more than okay with that. We just hope this kind of convenience doesn't push a touchy issue even further under the rug than it already is.

Photo: Courtesy of Apple