Your Horoscope This Week: 12th June to 18th June, 2022

Another week of June and another week between eclipses, we begin with Mercury’s renewed efforts under the stars of Gemini, this time without the burden of Saturn in the mix. Things move forward, however slowly, and they change in their own time. The full moon in Sagittarius perfects on the 14th, opposing the Sun in Gemini and heightening our sense of how much is yet to be known in this universe (despite over-saturation, despite so much information at our fingertips).
While a square to Neptune in Pisces only echoes this feeling of unknowing, the moon’s trine to Saturn in Aquarius, which is retrograde, reminds us that sometimes taking a step back can show us the way forward — especially if the way forward is a path that needs to be cleared. Mars in Aries makes a conjunction to Chiron in Aries the following day, which can add a lack of confidence to the situation at hand. While it may feel tempting to either rush past or wallow in old insecurities, it may prove more fruitful to simply let them bubble up in their entirety and regard them with curiosity: When have I felt this way before? What did this feeling teach me? Was it true then? Is it true now?
These questions can create a scaffold for the rewarding work that arises when curious Mercury in Gemini makes a trine to intrepid Saturn in Aquarius the next day. A scaffold made only that much steadier and more needful when Venus in Taurus aligns with the north node in Taurus hours later. It may feel incongruous or destabilising to anticipate the Sun in Gemini squaring Neptune on the same day but it doesn’t have to be. We’re learning to imagine a future even when a future is not guaranteed; we’re learning to build something steady if only for the pleasure of building something and saying that we did.

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