When your daily schedule involves living in a city, you need to make certain adjustments. Your routine needs to account for commuting time, your wallet needs to allocate funds for more frequent takeout dinners, and your footwear needs to be able to keep up with a much more active lifestyle. We've discovered that all you need to survive in a concrete jungle are a trusty pair of boots that get you from A to B, and then all the way down to C, without taking a toll on your soles. Trust us — it'll save you a fortune on reparative pedicures.
Sure, stilettos are fun for a night out on the town, but you need a shoe that'll withstand the morning sprint to the subway platform and long strolls across new neighbourhoods. So we found 30 boots that'll do just that — and more. Their soles are sturdy, their heels thick for extra height and support, and their look ready to go from sidewalk to rooftop bar in five seconds flat.