How To Help Others In The Age Of Coronavirus, In Addition To Staying Home

Photographed by Tayler Smith.
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, and we all adjust to a new way of life — complete with “social distancing,” constant hand-washing, and long days during which we never leave our home — it’s become easy to feel helpless and unsure of how exactly to be useful. But even amid all the uncertainty and creeping malaise, if you’re lucky enough not to be personally affected by COVID-19, and are in a position where you can help, there are a few concrete ways you can do so.
Rule #1: Stop going out to bars and restaurants. Finding ways to stay busy at home will immensely help others in this time of crisis. You could be affected even if you're young and healthy, and “flattening the curve” — i.e. staying at home unless it's essential and avoiding public gatherings — is going to save lives. It's as simple as that. Ahead, we’ve compiled some other things you can do to decrease the impact of coronavirus for those who are affected, both directly and indirectly.

Check on your elderly neighbours and anyone being quarantined

People who are older, work in hospitals, or have chronic illnesses are more susceptible to the coronavirus outbreak. Check on your family, neighbours, and community members to see if they need anything by calling or texting; if possible, you can drop off food or supplies in front of somebody’s door or in their mailbox.

If you can, financially support those in your community who are losing wages

Fewer people are leaving their houses, which means lost wages for restaurant workers, hairdressers, exercise instructors, baby-sitters, dog walkers, cleaners, and many others. Consider pooling together funds for those people whose services you normally can't live without. On a smaller scale, check in with your friends — particularly those who are freelancers, contract, or service-workers — who might be affected and see if there's anything you can do to help.

Support small businesses that are losing revenue

You should absolutely not be hanging out at bars, restaurants, and coffee shops right now for the sake of public safety. But those businesses will suffer, and there are ways you can help: For example, buy a gift card from your favourite neighbourhood restaurant so they have more revenue now for the weeks and months to come.

Give to charities that support people affected by the coronavirus

It's a good time for giving in general if you're able. Donate to your local food bank or donate supplies to a homeless shelter. The Trussell Trust is collecting food donations for those unable to get supplies because of panic buying. Or, check this list of charities that are battling the outbreak around the world.

Give blood if you can do so safely

A spokesperson for the Red Cross said that as the number of coronavirus cases increases, the number of those eligible to give blood decreases, so there is a demand for donations right now. Hundreds of blood drives have already been cancelled. “Every two seconds, someone needs a blood transfusion — that someone may be a cancer patient, a car accident victim or a mother who has given birth," Jodi Sheedy, senior director of biomedical services communications for the American Red Cross, told The Hill. The Red Cross says there is no evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted by a blood transfusion. 

Speak up against xenophobia and racism

With the rise of coronavirus, there has been an increase in racist attacks against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders. Help shut these down by calling them out when you see them. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) posted this message on its “Share Facts Not Fear” website: "People of Asian descent, including Chinese-Americans, are not more likely to get COVID-19 than any other American. Help stop fear by letting people know that being of Asian descent does not increase the chance of getting or spreading COVID-19."

Stop the spreading of false information and rumours

There have been plenty of rumours and misinformation swirling around about coronavirus, such as that certain home remedies can protect you. Don't share screenshots from unverified sources, and only trust credible news and research outlets.

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