Look what she made us do. We were ready for it. This is her end game. These numbers are gorgeous. We could go on all day turning Taylor Swift song titles and lyrics into punny sentences about how she just sold 1.238 million copies of reputation in its first week. As if you didn't guess, that landed her the top spot on the Billboard 200 albums list.
There are loads of other superlatives Swift earned from its release date November 10 through 16th November. Reputation had the biggest first week of 2017. That bumps her friend Ed Sheeran down to the No. 2 spot. Her 1.216 million traditional album sales was the highest debut since Adele's 25 in 2015. Also, Swift just became the only person in Nielsen Music history (which goes back to 1991) to have million-selling weeks for four different albums.
As Jezebel points out, this isn't just because Swifties were out buying CDs like old people or something. She and her label employed a few clever tricks to boost sales, such as including copies with two exclusive reputation magazines full of Swift-penned content sold at Target. She also encouraged pre-sales through a Ticketmaster program that will supposedly increase fans' chances of getting tickets to her concerts. Plus, you can't stream reputation anywhere yet, so buying is a must.
Then again, there's the simple allure of listening to a Taylor Swift album and feeling like we're reading someone's very raw diary entries, this time set to some clever electronic beats.
Earlier today, Forbes revealed that Beyoncé knocked Swift down from her spot as the highest-paid female musician of the year. That's probably not going to hold true for 2018. Unless maybe Bey has another secret album up her sleeve?
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