created in partnership with Libra

What 12 People Really Think About Period Sex

In 2023, a range of everyday experiences for women and gender-diverse people are still unfortunately shrouded in stigma. In partnership with Libra, we're going to shine a light on these moments to break down the shame around them.
One of the most powerful moments in the HBO dramedy, I May Destroy You, is when Arabella and her Italian lover, Biagio, have period sex. And not a Hollywood version of period sex, where the act is alluded to but not shown on camera. In the scene, you see Biago pull out Arabella’s tampon and even play with a clot of her menstrual blood.
It’s real and raw and unlike anything we’ve ever seen on TV. Which was exactly the point. "How can something that happens once a month still cause shock and discomfort,” series creator and star Michaela Coel told The Express when the series dropped. “I hope that it's normalised.”
Having sex during that time of the month is something many people enjoy. People with periods are often hornier during that week. Sex can help with cramps, boost lubrication, and for some folks with vulvodynia (chronic pain in the vulva), it can even make doing it more enjoyable.
Reducing the stigma around period sex requires reducing the stigma around periods full stop. That's why we spoke to 12 people for their honest thoughts on period sex.

Rose, 28, NSW, she/her

What do you think about period sex?

During the first few days, my flow is very heavy and I am in way too much pain to have sex. But the last three days of my period, everything is back on.
We picked up one of those splash-proof blankets to protect the sheets, and my (male) partner has absolutely no hang-ups about it. We actually opt out of using protection during period sex (we’re in a long-term, monogamous relationship) so it makes it even more exciting.
It’s so normal to me now that sometimes I forget there are people out there (specifically men) who have a problem with it. Period sex is not gross or embarrassing, so to all the people out there who get periods: don’t ever let someone make you feel that way!

Alex, 30, Vic, she/her

What do you think about period sex?

It's just... not my thing.
It's not that I'm grossed out by it, but the thought of cleaning up afterwards just isn't appealing to me and I just worry the whole time that I'm making a huge mess. That said, I definitely feel hornier when I'm on my period, but prefer to go it alone with a battery-operated friend while wearing a tampon. There's no cleanup but I still get my kicks.

Julia, 27, Vic, they/them

What do you think about period sex?

I’m lucky that I don’t have a painful period or a super heavy flow after day one and two so I don’t mind it at all. I feel extra sensitive and my libido is super high during menstruation. I don’t know if it’s because of my cycle or maybe it’s to do with the fact that society has told us we can’t have sex during that time so that’s what makes me want it more?
When someone doesn’t mind and just wants you when you’re bleeding, it shows they’re mature and into you, so that’s a real turn on!

Alex, 29, Vic, she/her

What do you think about period sex?

I grew up with so much shame around periods. In the country, they were always the butt of the joke and disgusting or gross. It wasn’t until I became single for the first time as an adult at 25, that I realised men (most of them) actually aren’t grossed out by periods and period sex is common.
My current boyfriend and I don’t avoid sex at any time during my cycle other than the first day, as I’m super uncomfortable. We really enjoy it and it’s just something to navigate rather than avoid.

Frankie, 34, NSW, she/her

What do you think about period sex?

I always saw it as a little bit gross and felt self-conscious about the whole thing. Mostly because of an ex who made me feel as though my period was repulsive. But I've grown to understand that it's really no big deal, and an orgasm can help with period pain, too — so I no longer feel weird about it.

Bree, 29, Qld she/her

What do you think about period sex?

Honestly, I used to be so against it.
It just never made me feel sexy and I didn’t wanna deal with the cleanup. But my current boyfriend is super chill about it and is more than happy to have sex while I’m on my period. Where I’m at in my cycle determines if we hit the shower or just throw a towel down. At the end of the day, it’s just additional lubricant and an orgasm is an excellent way to alleviate period pain!

Lauren, 24, Vic, she/her

What do you think about period sex?

I have endometriosis, so my experience with periods and sex isn't the norm. Bringing the two together was never a great experience for me. It caused a lot more pain than pleasure.
I wanted to enjoy it, and at times the pain felt good but very quickly it shifted into a sharp and excruciating pain that had me moaning (and not the way you want to moan).

Tamara, 25, Vic, she/her

What do you think about period sex?

I am very open to trying it, but have never had a partner that wanted to do it. I’ve never had a relationship, however, so perhaps there is a line some men wouldn’t like to cross in a casual setting?

Ash, 34, NSW, she/her

What do you think about period sex?

After I got an IUD, I don't get my period enough to warrant considering not waiting it out. In the past, I've not had an issue, and not come across any men who have an issue. The only thing stopping me was the extra pain I'd get from it as a result of my endometriosis.

Sky, 24, NSW, they/them

What do you think about period sex?

This is such a personal topic for a lot of people with periods, so it's very much each to their own! For me, it's always been a way of connecting with my partner and my body on a deeper level and THAT is hot.

Fatima, 23, Vic, she/her

What do you think about period sex?

For me, I feel much more comfortable with a partner I’m in a relationship with or trust. I’ve done it with one-time partners, however even if they’re super kind and accommodating, I feel quite uncomfortable and it makes it the defining part of the experience.
I’m lucky that I don’t experience severe cramps so it doesn’t affect the sensation, it’s more the mess factor that I don’t love. Either way, I prefer sex when not on my period, but don’t mind as much if I’m really close to the person I’m engaging with.

Jess, 23, Vic, she/her

All for it. I lost my virginity on my period. It was nowhere near as scary or messy as I imagined, and gave me an insight into how good it can be. I find that I get more turned on, it makes the cramps go away and it’s extra lubricant.
I actually found that in all of the sexual experiences I’ve had with men they haven’t cared. Put a towel down and get on with it. It’s a win-win for everyone.
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