Movie Quotes That Kill It As Selfie Captions

Photo: Courtesy of Marvel.
Whenever I feel pretty or extra fantastic, I take a selfie to memorialise the occasion. To be clear: these photos, which accumulate in the "selfies" folder of my iPhone, are not meant to be seen by anyone but me. They're snapshots of an emotion, a happy place. Sometimes, on a glum Tuesday, I'll scroll through them and nod: "Oh, yeah, that day spent tanning at my friend's friend's beach house really was fantastic," and the Tuesday will feel a bit less glum.
Then, there are the public selfies — those carefully angled, tastefully filtered photos that populate our Instagram feeds. Walt Whitman wrote, "I sing a song to myself." Maybe selfies are how we sing that song now.
Here's to the selfie, in all its forms: the public, the private, the tasteful, the goofy, the cool, the vain. We've found the best movie quotes to use as a caption, ranging from earnest and inspirational to totally and utterly cheeky, and paired those quotes with iconic celebrity selfies.

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