Your November Horoscope, Revealed

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
Bye-bye basic, hello, seductive complexity. Unraveling mysteries will become a thing this November as the sun simmers in erotic, esoteric Scorpio until the 21st. This year, supersizer Jupiter is also in Scorpio, which only amplifies the intrigue. And from the 7th on, love planet Venus joins the Scorpio party, pumping up the passion factor even further. Hot! While we're not advocating game-playing, it wouldn't hurt to keep a couple cards closer to your vest. Don't be too easy to figure out or pin down. As sex goddess Scorpio knows, it's human nature to desire things that feel somewhat out of reach. And it makes the catch that much hotter!
Sagittarius season begins on the 21st, calling for unity across communities. Cross those invisible lines (even if you're just reaching across the table for some salt) and search for common ground. With the moon in Aquarius, the sign of social justice, Thanksgiving 2017 comes with an activist twist. The pilgrims' tale, clearly, is not the only one to be told. Honor both sides of the story — which might even lead to a boycott or inspire a few hours of volunteer work.

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