Meet The Women Who Could Change Your Career For Good

Finding a mentor can seem like an impossible task. What do you say, "Hi, will you be my mentor?" It's like asking someone on a first date to move in with you. But, if anyone knows how to do it, it's the founders of Glassbreakers, a networking site that helps women in the tech and advertising industries (more industries are in the works) find mentors.
We met up with CEO Eileen Carey and CTO Lauren Mosenthal in San Francisco, where their precocious, four-month-old start-up (it already has 10,000 members) is based. And, while the two say their all-business look is hoodies and high ponytails, they couldn't resist showing off some new clothes from Neiman Marcus. Ahead, they give us eight foolproof tips for finding a mentor — and getting the most out of the relationship once you've got one. No awkwardness required.