Well, we're 18 days into 2012 and we're all still alive (#dasawkwerd). But, if you're feeling morbid, you can play dead in the upcoming web-series The Silent City, who's cheesy but haunting tagline is: "Welcome to NYC, population: 01". The project, set in a post-apocalyptic New York City, is looking to raise money (10k, to be exact) on kickstarter, but the rewards are pretty sweet. For instance, $750 gets you a huge, CGI bronze statue of yourself that will be featured in the background of the series, or for $1,000 you get to be a zombie. Sure, it might be the only time you pay instead of get paid to act, but, hey, you'll also get a credit in the film. Plus, to keep this unimaginable scenario a little more realistic, the series only shoots at real abandoned spots around the city. Take that I Am Legend. (Gawker)
Photo: Via The Silent City Kickstarter