DON'T take your first-ever solo road trip.
This time of year is famous for disrupting cars and travel plans, and being stranded on an abandoned highway is basically your worst nightmare. We don't need you acting out a scene from a trashy horror flick.
DO finally finish up all those old projects that have been lingering.
Have a pile of dresses that need altering? Is there an assignment you've been pushing off? Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to go back to old loose ends and tie them up once and for all. It's also a time when ex-boyfriends, old bosses, and, generally, people and things from the past often creep back into your life for completion or a chance at a re-do. While MR is never a time to start something new, it is a great time to go back into the past for a do-over.
DON'T invest in that "hedge fund" your shady brother-in-law is all in on.
Entering into new contracts isn't exactly favorable during retrograde, so think twice before you sign away your life savings, or anything else for that matter. We know it may seem like a great way to make a quick buck, but trust us, there are better ways to spend your hard-earned $$ this month.
DON'T pre-order the fall '12 Celine bag (just yet).
We understand that you have to have it (we love it, too), but astrologers advise against making major purchases AND doing any important decision-making during this period, because you're most likely to regret it later on (though with a bag like that, we find it hard to believe).
DON'T debut your new high-tech gadget.
The planets have some seriously bad vibes when it comes to technology right now. Okay, so maybe this one doesn't apply to everybody, but take heed nonetheless! And also, maybe hold off on buying the new iPad.
DO finally take that antiquing escape you've been dreaming about.
During MR, the stars align to bless us with what we like to call "the luck of the old," meaning, it's an auspicious time to revisit the past. So, why not go on a hunt for that most excellent vintage lamp you've been hankering for? Or, better yet, hit up your nearest vintage store — it's the best time ever to find a dirt-cheap Dior dress, no joke.
DON'T storm into your boss's office demanding a raise, at least not until next month.
Sure, you work hard. And yes, you totally deserve that title change AND bump in salary. But now's just not the time to ask. Listen to the astrology gurus and wait till the planet goes direct again when you and your boss will be fully in the clear from any Mercury Retrograde meltdowns. You can thank us later.