Love R29? Join Our Exclusive Mad Chatter Community

Refinery29 wouldn’t be what is it today without our insightful, fierce, and all-around badass readers. That’s why we’re asking you to help us shape the future of Refinery29 by becoming a member of our insider community: Mad Chatter.
Designed by Richard Chance
What’s Mad Chatter?
Mad Chatter is the name for this group of the most trusted Refinery29 community members, who share their feedback and thoughts with us. We ask them to not just share opinions about the site, but what they are currently loving — and what they could do without.
How does it work?
About two to three times a month, we’ll run different kinds of activities via our exciting new Mad Chatter Connect Member Hub. We’ll ask you questions and invite you to participate in activities about the Refinery29 experience, cool new products, shows, apps, and a lot more. You’ll also get opportunities to interact directly with R29, as well as other awesome members of the R29 community.
Who are we looking for?
We’re so proud that our audience is rich in diversity, so we want our Mad Chatter community to reflect the same inclusivity as our readership. That means that no matter what age, race, gender identity, or background you are, we want to hear from you.
What does R29 get out of it? And most importantly, what do I get out of it?
The Mad Chatter community is vital in helping us understand what connects with our audience, and gives us a direct line to the things that you care about most. More specifically, when readers have a direct line to what we’re working on, they tend to be more honest and forthcoming with feedback, which is exactly what we need to grow. And over time, we’ve made the community better with feedback from our readers.
As for you, you’ll be directly impacting R29’s future, which is pretty cool. But of course, there are a few perks that are a bit more tangible: we have a raffle each month for awesome prizes like Refinery29 swag, invites to local movie screenings, and more.
Still unsure? Here’s what a couple of our Mad Chatter members have said:
"For years I've enjoyed the content on Refinery29 for years, so I jumped at the chance to be part of the R29 community. I like being a part of the Mad Chatter community as it makes me feel as if I am helping R29 make content and stories that will really resonate with myself and the rest of their readers."
"Mad Chatter allows my voice to be represented in this society where it is easy for voices to get lost."
What are you waiting for? Apply here.

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