The mutual love between Refinery29 and indie-folksters Grizzly Bear goes way back...all
the way back. But never have we had cause to adore them more than we do today. Just in time for the holiday season comes what we guess is a video promo (right?) for their latest, much-beloved new album, Shields, that takes some of that LP's best tracks and transforms them into twinkling, lite-listening goodness. Exactly what you always wanted, right?
The sounds themselves range from sexytime music to emotive piano that eerily recreates the soothing, soporific signature sounds of a Windham Hill Records sampler to straight-up CD 101.9, old-school smooth jazz. Plus, for your easy-listening pleasure, the video offers relaxing images of sailboats, sunsets, dogs playing cards, and tacos,'s the holidays!
Video: Courtesy of Grizzly Bear