You know when you're feeling feelings and you want to Tweet them, and/or actually tell a real human about them, but just can't find the right word? Like that feeling when you want to leave a party, but you don't know how and when to say goodbye (the worst)? Now, thanks to the Internet and the proactive mind of Eden Sher, there's a dictionary for all those words that should have been — and now are.
The Emotionary is the English lexicon's answer to all those "you know that feeling when..." moments that cause an oddly unhealthy amount of daily anxiety. It includes wonderful words like "inattextive" for when you run into a tree while texting, or "DINES" — "the disorder requiring you to compulsively eat food if it is in front of you, even if you are not hungry, and especially when said food is free." We feel you DINES, oh boy do we feel you.
The terms found in The Emotionary are usually just two words cleverly stuck together, and anyone can do it — which is exactly why the site is open to submissions. So, go forth and emotionalize (v. — to try to intellectualize your emotions)! Logophiles, your vernacular is about to get a healthy dose of clarity.
Photo: Mood Board/Rex/Rex USA.