Doggie Bag: Links Straight From Davy Jones’ Locker

pmlinks0919 Again, we give the captain's chair over to our in-office linguist, Matthew the Bloody Phd., for some Talk Like a Pirate Day links before he weighs anchor for West Indies with all the rum and silks he can carry.
Did Rodarte take inspiration from "Staarr Waarrrs"? Arrr. (NYMag)
Across the great ocean and dead on to sunset, many a men's fashion mag rises in Asia. (BlackBook)
Retailers be marooned in the Sargasso Sea of teen tastes and a struggling economy. (Reuters)
The scuttlebutt be sayin' that Marc Jacobs be settin' sail for the East Village. (Fashionista)
Queen Bubble's treasures of London Fashion Week. (Stylebubble)
Pity the wretched souls cast away by the Dread Pirate Schuman. Yar. (Racked)

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